New Brand Service Med

Il Paziente al centro di tutto

To effectively carry out an innovation is always a crucial moment for a company. Service Med has done so with an extremely clear and strong will, giving its mission plenty of breathing room.

Our process of repositioning comes from the need to let our brand grow and be structured, a growing symbol of leadership and innovation in the Wound Care sector.

A company repositioning is never just a stylistic operation. It’s the need to do better what we know best and to do more for the patient and the structures that depend on us.

The patient is always at the center of all our operations.

From their all-round care, our new visual identity system is taking form.

A New Brand.

Thanks to the strategic and creative consulting of the Become Brand network Become Brand we have integrated the quality and stylistic assets of the entire system, combining in visual, chromatic and spoken terms, the key value of our philosophy: all-round care and attention to the patient.

HUMAN WIDE is the brand’s dynamic essence. The key concept that has accompanied us in this iconographic/stylistic exploratory journey and is perfectly adaptable to the increasingly structured offer from our company.

The “Human Wide” cause combines in spoken terms the various excellence that Service Med can offer.

The new brand illustrates and emphasizes, with a curved, dynamic and comfortable design, the idea of ‘360-degree care’.

The color language has been oriented towards a deep yellow, abandoning the previous cold chromium to instead evoke the idea of sun and positivity, able to express a profound compassion towards our representatives.

Brand Essence

It’s the brand essence that contains the world of values of a company.

Human Wide Care expresses in a clear and concise manner its strong desire to giving all-round care to the patient. The patient must feel fully embraced and cared for in their needs, without neglecting any aspect.

Brand Architecture.


The new identity system provides a ‘derived’ brand architecture, thanks to the various business fields that are strongly linked to our main Service Med brand, making them all recognizable and familiar.

MKS distinguishes itself exclusively for its color shades and tag lines, emphasizing the concepts of excellence and elegance, through a neutral color shade such as light dove-gray.

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